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The "Dream team of dirt (and everything that grows from it)"

These guys all grew up in Oklahoma and understand what it's like to work hard to grow crops in the red dirt.

Dave talks with them about their crop research, ideas that may help ag producers get the most out of their land, and what it's like to live in rural America.


It's all about the soil

Dr. Brian Arnall has deep roots in Oklahoma. Brian grew up in northeastern Oklahoma and came to Oklahoma State University and never left.
After completing his undergraduate work, Brian worked on his masters and went on to complete his doctorate degree at OSU.
Brian has a passion for helping producers and students learn about the importance of providing the nutrients the plants need to grow and succeed.
Brian is Oklahoma State University's Extension Precision Nutrient Specialist and a professor in the Plant & Soils Sciences Department.

Finding the best ways to grow Oklahoma crops

Dr. Josh Lofton is a native Oklahoman who has a passion for testing the limits of crops in the Oklahoma soil and helping producers learn the best ways to help those crops succeed.
Josh started his academic career at Oklahoma State University and would continue on to Louisiana State University for his doctorate degree.
Following years of researching crops at LSU, Josh made his way back to Oklahoma State University to help producers across the state as OSU's Extension Cropping Systems Specialist and Associate Professor.



Finding better ways to farm

Dr. Randy Taylor grew up in eastern Oklahoma and made his way to Oklahoma State University first as an undergrad, and would make his way back later to conduct research that has changed the way we farm today.
He would go on to Kansas State University to work on his Ph.D. and start his career in Extension.
Currently, Randy is an Extension agricultural engineer in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering and an Endowed Professor at Oklahoma State University.

The guy putting it all together

Dave Deken grew up in a small town in north central Oklahoma and is excited that he and his wife are raising their daughters in the same small town. 

Dave produced an ag television show for Oklahoma State University for nearly 13 years and saw the need for research-based information about crops and pasture management on a national level so he launched AgNow Media LLC in 2021. 

Dave and his wife, Crystal, run a farm that has been in his family for 80 years and look forward to handing it down to their daughters one day.


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